Campus Life
Academic, Career and Personal Counseling
Counseling is available to all students for career and academic needs. Students with counseling needs of a personal nature will be referred to local public or private agencies for professional assistance to best meet their needs.
The school does not make any guarantees of employment or salary upon graduation. The school will provide career services, which will consist of identifying opportunities and advising the student on appropriate means of attempting to realize those opportunities.
Financial Advisement
The Director of Finance will assist students to work out any financial problems, discuss financial options or payment plans.
Transcript Requests
One copy of the official academic transcript is provided to each student upon program completion and satisfaction of all financial obligations to the school. Students may request, in writing, additional copies of transcripts for a fee.
A student may request a transcript from the Registrar Office by completing and delivering a transcript request form. Transcript requests may be made in person or by mail. There is a charge of $25 for official transcripts, and $5 for non-official transcripts. Official and non-official transcript request may take between five (5) to ten (10) business days to process.